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    powerant 该用户已被删除
    发表于 2004-3-9 10:44 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
    发信人: thinkpadfan (爱本本,爱IBM), 信区: Notebook标         题: 如何延长电池使用寿命。(ZT)发信站: 一塌糊涂 BBS (Tue Mar         9 10:23:15 2004), 本站(ytht.net)

    BAT0301如何延长电池使用寿命现将IBM Thinkpad专用的Battery MaxiMiser软件帮助文件内容节选转载如下。原文版权归IBM公司所有。BATINFEX.CHMTips for Maximizing Your Battery LifeYour ThinkPad battery is a "Consumable" product that decreases in performanceover time.

    However, there are several things that you can do to improve the performance and        life of your battery.

    Here are some tips to help maximize your battery life:

    1. If your battery is left out of the system for a long period of time withoutcharging, or if the system is not plugged in for several months, it will takelonger to charge.

    2. Make sure that you are using the correct AC adapter for your ThinkPad model.Using the incorrect adapter will prevent the battery from charging fully, andwill cause the battery

    meter to display incorrect battery information.Use the proper AC adapter for your ThinkPad computer. There are several types of        AC adapters for ThinkPad, 56 watt or 72 watt. If insufficient power is supplied        to your battery, the full charge capacity will appear to be reduced.

    3. Recondition your battery by letting your battery run to less than 3% at least        once a month. Reconditioning the battery can restore some of your batterycapacity.

    Reconditioning The Battery

    4. When the computer uses a large amount of electricity from the battery (forexample, for intensive calculations or high-end graphics applications), thetemperature of the battery and the computer may rise. In this case, the batterymight automatically stop charging to so that the battery operates at a levelthat ensures comfortable usage and normal battery life.

    If the battery has stopped charging, it might not start charging immediatelywhen you plug in the AC adapter or it may take more time to completely charge.When the battery is restored to its normal temperature, the battery will startto recharge.

    5. Do not place your battery or your ThinkPad in a high temperature environment,        such as a car on a hot day.

    6. Battery performance will be temporarily degraded if the battery is used in acold environment.

    7. When you store your battery outside of your ThinkPad Computer, store it witha charge of less than 50% to reduce the battery wear.

    8. Use Battery MaxiMiser to select the best extended power scheme for how youuse your ThinkPad computer.

    译文如下,如有异议请参考原文。1.如果电池久未使用,充电时间将会延长。2.使用与机型相匹配的电源适配器,否则将导致电池无法完全充电或电量显示不正确。3.每个月至少一次让电池电量降到3%以下,可以恢复部分电池容量。4.高负荷工作后电池温度升高,电池充电过程可能会停止,温度恢复正常充电过程将继续进行。5.不要将机器置于高温环境,如汽车仪表板与风挡玻璃之间。6.低温环境电池性能将暂时下降。7.贮藏电池前请将电池电量放电至低于50%,以减缓电池损耗。8.使用Battery MaxiMiser软件延长电池使用时间。

    BAT0302如何查看电池充电次数只有ATRX新系列机型支持查看电池充电次数安装所有驱动和Battery MaxiMiser ThinkPad Configuration 软件,然后打开控制面板Control Panel

    -> Thinkpad Configuration ->Power Management ->Battery Information->StatusDetail->cycle count


    任务栏里面的显示电池电量的绿色图标没了。如何让它出来?运行 Battery MaxiMiser Wizard到第三步,选择在任务栏显示Battery MaxiMiser向导。--fromhttp://www.51nb.com/forum/viewthread.php?tid=60963&fpage=1                                                                                                                                                                                 http://www.ibmbj.com/                                                                                 【**品质源于专业-龙祥嘉业,IBM 专业渠道商**】                                                                 IBM 行货(C版),A版,H版,U版笔记本 校园销售、咨询。


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